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Satya Twena shares her unconventional path to becoming a fashion brand people flock to

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Hustling is part of my DNA – Satya Twena

In today’s episode you’ll hear from a spitfire female entrepreneur who has hand-crafted a hat-making business in New York City, truly lives life on her own terms, and has used struggle and set-backs to fuel her ambition, Satya Twena.

She is the CEO and Creative Director of Satya Twena Satya Twena Fine Millinery, Makins Hats and Sol a Mer, which is a fashionable UV protective hat.

She’s been featured in Oprah Magazine, Vogue, Elle, Glamour, The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times – basically, you name the publication and she’s been inside of it.

Pivotal moments you don’t want to miss in this episode  


An Unconventional Path

How Satya breaks the mold on where people in fashion come from.

Finding Her Passion

How she found her love of hat-making through trying a ton of creative outlets while struggling behind a computer screen in a corporate job.

Words Of Wisdom

How some targeted advice from her mom created a domino effect in her professional career.

The Tipping Point

How ultimately, a major health issue with her mom spawned the birth of her hat-making empire.

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