Have you ever noticed the mind can turn a simple decision into an endless maze?
Professional athletes face this all the time. Analysis becomes paralysis.
Strategy sessions stretch into strategy weeks. The mind creates infinite loops of options, scenarios, and second-guesses.
BUT . . .
Ask someone to walk, and they simply walk.
There’s no questioning about the “right way” to step. No analysis of foot placement or stride length. The body just moves.
YET . . .
Ask them to think through a problem, and everything freezes.
WHY . . . ?
It’s because our idea of ‘thinking through something’ involves a posture that looks a lot like this:

(That’s the famous ‘Thinking Man’ statue by sculptor Rodin.)
Here’s the problem… it’s static.
And when we’re motionless, it’s easy for the mind and body to stay stuck.
But when we get our body moving, the motion helps to pull the mind into creative thinking.
Even a study at Stanford found that walking increased creative output by an average of 60% compared to sitting.
This pattern of finding breakthroughs when we’re moving happens everywhere…
- A pitcher overthinking their mechanics becomes trapped until physical movement breaks the mental loop.
- A CEO stuck on a strategic decision finds clarity during their morning run.
Last week, I watched the same thing happen with my daughter.
She’s a goalie in a sport, Ringette, which is similar to hockey.
What was she doing?
Overthinking her technique–a classic mental trap.
But, instead of me giving her ‘more things to think about,’ a classic trap from coaches, I gave her some simple hand movements to get her out of her head and into her body.
The result? Less thinking, more flow. No complex mental gymnastics were needed.
Nature shows us this truth:
An object in motion stays in motion. This isn’t just physics–it’s peak performance wisdom.
Think about it:
- The best ideas spark during walks or in the shower.
- Athletes excel when they stay in motion between plays.
- Your most clear-headed decisions often come during movement.
[RARELY, after pages of pros and cons, leaving you more confused than if you just made a choice and checked in with your gut.]
From three decades of coaching elite performers, here’s what I know:
Motion creates momentum. Momentum brings clarity. And clarity delivers confidence.
After confidence?
Which is the ultimate competitive advantage. And it all started with motion.
This is why I have the same sign-off in every newsletter I write…
Be Bold. Take Action. Leave a Mark.
Todd Herman
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