Tapping into an alter ego isn’t just a powerful way to perform to your best abilities, it’s also scientifically proven to work, and backed by stories of amazing people you’ve heard of that use it.
When Todd Herman, the author of the WSJ bestselling book, The Alter Ego Effect, speaks about “secret identities and alter egos”, he’s talking about leveraging the innate creative powers of your mind and being intentional about the traits and characteristics you most want to activate on any field of play you enter.
When you can suspend disbelief about what you think you can or can’t do – for whatever reason – and tap into the traits of someone or something else, you circumvent the resistance and forces that typically stop you so you can finally get the results you know you’re capable of and even surprise yourself by doing things you never thought possible!
Todd has spent 20+ years mentoring Olympic athletes, public figures, leaders and entrepreneurs, on peak performance and has built his own life based on one foundational principle, that, all things being equal, the people that win, whether they’re smart, ignorant, young or old, are the ones that can unlock their Heroic Self and display ALL of their capabilities on the field of play of life.
Tune into our discussion and enjoy this fascinating and entertaining conversation, with someone that will challenge your paradigms and give you a new perspective on what’s possible.